Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Postponement to Endurance Racing

I was preparing for and entered to the Blores Hill 6 Hour for 22 July 2012.  I was looking forward to it, even though it was only going to be riding, not racing.  Another full week at work preceded the race weekend, but that was okay - I'd set aside some ride time while I was away in Bendigo.

A good 1.5hr roady with good mate and all round great guy, Travis, and his mate.  The quiet and undulating back roads of Bendigo were so nice.  That night I was a very unwell chooky - a late night trip to the chemist, a passing out scenario, and a fever.  So 3 days off work, and not a single kilometre ticked over in the legs - very disappointing.  

I still had hope that I'd get to race.  I took the new Scalpel out for its maiden voyage, wanting to check that it was all set up perfectly before racing on Sunday.  Why the 3 of us chose Warramate is beyond me - maybe I was still feverish and off with the fairies - but 1.5hrs of riding with an unusually high heart rate delivered the racing for me this weekend.  But the trails were awesome, my head space was surprisingly good considering I have no fitness, am sick, and it was slippery as all buggery.

Warramate delivered all that it can, at its worst - off-camber single track, tree roots, tough pinch climbs, all on wet, slimy, super slippery trails.  But I must have been doing something right, because I thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted more.

Let's put this week down as a lost week, but not entirely - got some of my assignment out of the way, got in a couple of great, fun rides, a good catch up with an old friend, and topped off with a good movie and dinner with friends (loved The Dark Knight !!!).  Let's plan for the next one - Lysterfield on 29th July, XC at You Yangs 12th August or Castlemaine on 19th August.  So much to choose from, so much to do.