Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bendigo 6 Hour

After my disastrous attempt at Jubber Land 2 weeks ago, I was hoping for a better day on the bike at the Bendigo 6 Hour.  Not great preparation for the day due to work demands (sitting for 12 hours on Wednesday, then standing for 6 hours on Friday) and dog demands, but that's life.  

I started the event with the plan to ride somewhere between 4 - 6 hours, depending on what my legs had.  I started not too bad, but soon realised that I should have ridden my bike before the event after having my front fork serviced.  I think Aido must have thought I was looking like a bit of a heifer on Facebook, cause the fork was pretty well ramped up for someone 10 - 20 kg heavier, which meant I had very little front suspension on such a rugged course.  It kind of took away some of the fun of the Sedgwick course that I love so much.  Also, now that I have my full travel back rather than the reduced travel pre-service, I think I might need to go another 5 degrees negative on a new stem - the front seemed very upright compared to my sweet race bike that I'd been riding for 2 weeks.


The day was truly gorgeous - sunny Sedgwick was at its best for the first 3 hours, but clearly my body thought it was a little too warm to be trying to eat and ride, and 2 hours into the event my body was rejecting any food I put in.  Fluids were fine, but anything food-like tried to bounce straight back out again.  This is a familiar endurance race response that my body has exhibited since 2006, but after not racing for pretty much 4 years it appears I have softened, because I just couldn't deal with dry-reaching with every mouthful of food for any longer than 2 hours.  

What's with the ugly photo faces these days???
Stomach problems aside I was lapping pretty well but fatiguing all over as the day progressed.  Sedgwick is a pretty demanding event on the whole body, and eventually my hamstrings were killing me on each climb and I realised I wasn't enjoying the event too much anymore.  So I happily pulled the pin at 4 hours and had a great time.  

I managed to get home, shower and return to the event with the dogs for the presentations.  Buzz thought he'd join me on the podium, and Beep was trying desperately to get her body up there too.  

Also, it was so good to see Roz Bradley out there lapping on her singlespeed for the 3 hour - a tough climbing course for a tough chick.  And also congratulations to Carrie Edney for placing 3rd in the solo women's 3 hour.

Rocky Rider Chicks - Carrie Edney, Justine Leahy & Roz Bradley

Solo Women's 6 Hour Podium (plus 2!)

One of the last climbs on my last lap - the face says it all.....OUCH!!

Other riders made this corner look so hard - me?....I'm enjoying a laugh with the photographer!