Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 weeks into my 5 weeks from hell

I’m over the hump of a very chaotic and emotionally draining 5 weeks – only 2 to go before I can completely relax.

My 5 weeks from hell began when I acknowledged that I had to let go of my brother and remove myself from his train-wreck of a life. Against my better judgement, I tried to be there for him, and all it did was suck the life out of me. While this was going on I was sent to Victoria to undertake building impact assessments on the houses that were destroyed or damaged in the fires. The days were not long, but it was draining on the emotions seeing the devastation, asking people re-live that time for them all in the name of research, and then watching them begin the clean-up process of their pile of rubble that was their beloved home.

I returned to work to a very hectic workload that had built up while I was down south. Normally my out-of-work time is my own, however numerous nights were spent preparing for (and stressing about) a job interview that I had a 9 hour round trip to get to. And I can’t forget that Beep has a big show at Easter, so she has to be exercised an hour each day to get her looking good for Erica. I’d really like her to do well, cause Erica has had a rough year after losing her house in the fires – she deserves some good things to come her way.

This was the turning point – I was over the ‘hump’ of my 5 weeks.

Evan headed to Thredbo for the MTB Oceania Champs, leaving me with Beep in season and the 2 week process which fluctuates from Beep wanting to rip Buzz’s face off, to very suggestively flirting with him. You’d think that Buzz would be confused by all this, but as soon as she swings her rear end near him and makes him feel manly, he quickly forgets the last week of PMS snarls.

So work is still very busy, Coffs Harbour is out of fresh ‘roo meat (so Beep’s not getting her protein for muscle building), and Justine is attempting to continue her training through all this for the Solo 24 Hour Championships at Easter. You’ve probably already guessed that the training has been shelved a bit, so I’m going into this event with the attitude that “all I have to do is roll around for 24 hours and qualify”.

1 comment:

petal said...

just found your blog, cool

craig oates urunga brigade