Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Winter Sun Has Finally Shone

Finally some sun has shone in Bendigo and the dogs and I decided to make the most of it.  I enjoyed an easy mountain bike ride and came across a few other riders who were enjoying the warmth of sunshine.  One of the guys I followed smelt like bubble gum, but when I told him this I think he thought I was a fruit loop, until I made a tricky maneuver passed him and his mates on the water race.  But they were kind a friendly and I went on and enjoyed my ride.

I did actually do something really silly, but it took me a while to figure it out.  I was riding a rocky fast single track and was thinking 'I really need to get this front fork serviced', but not completely blaming the fork, I also admitted that my skills must really be lacking at the moment because I was landing really hard when launching over rocks and tree roots.  It wasn't until I got home and lent on my handle bars that I realised that my front fork was locked out!!  I then recalled that I locked it out 2 weeks ago on a long road section, and had been riding it locked out for the past 3 mtb rides!!  No wonder I was feeling that the rear shock also needed servicing, cause it was feeling saggy and low compared to the front.  Well, it's a good thing I can ride a bike pretty good, cause sometimes there's not much going on in my brain!

And for some relaxing, I spent hours reading my book in the sun with the dogs.  However I was quickly relegated to sharing the dog bed with one dog, when both Buzz and Beep decided they preferred the chair than the dog bed.  The things we do as parents.....

Where do I sit????

Buzzy sharing his happiness with me - kisses are treasured treats from my boy,
but he wasn't holding back yesterday!

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