Friday, August 29, 2008


After getting flattened by the 'flu, I've been left with a horrible bark for 2 weeks. I haven't been game to get out on the bike during the week - the cold temps would only send me backwards. So it's been easy windtrainer sessions, aqua aerobics and core strength sessions at the gym. Oooh, and back to Body Balance again which is sooo nice.

It's been nice to have so much time with the dogs too. With Evan in Beijing for 2 weeks, the dogs have been a bit more demanding than usual. And as you can see from the photo, work has quietened down a bit! I finally got my own emergency vehicle...

I'm hoping that some reasonable weather will hit us from now on and I can get back to being on the bike each day....and start building (again!!!).

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's been a mixed week for Evan & myself. I'm still restricted with my riding, so I've still been enjoying the sleep-ins and heading out on the bike after work. But even with the added sleep, I had been feeling pretty run down and this weekend it all fell apart and I got sick.

We enjoyed an awesome 3.5hr mtb ride exploring out Central Bucca way, and found some great, fun single track and lots of fire trail climbs. Sunday morning I was chesty and sluggish on the bike, so we restricted it to a 1.5hr flat roadie. By afternoon I was tucked into the sofa bed vaguely watching the women's Olympic road race.

And if getting sick wasn't enough, we're dealing with Beep in season this week. I feel sorry for her being stuck in the house for 2 weeks when the sunny days are gorgeous. But she's stuck with fully supervised outside time, with Buzz is being the ever-protective male, checking out any strange scents and noises.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

An easy week

The alarm went off many mornings, but I just wasn't waking up. This combined with physio instructions for a light week on the bike meant I had sleep-ins all week (I was quietly thanking the physio).

So the week can be summed up with a couple of light 30km roadies, finished off with a local night race. Evan & I decided that the only way to cruise this race was to ride the long to the surprise of everyone else, out came the tandem for 1 hour of riding with fairly respectable laps. We both had a really great night.

I'm back to progressing the riding this week, and I'm looking forward to getting back in the saddle.