Monday, August 11, 2008

It's been a mixed week for Evan & myself. I'm still restricted with my riding, so I've still been enjoying the sleep-ins and heading out on the bike after work. But even with the added sleep, I had been feeling pretty run down and this weekend it all fell apart and I got sick.

We enjoyed an awesome 3.5hr mtb ride exploring out Central Bucca way, and found some great, fun single track and lots of fire trail climbs. Sunday morning I was chesty and sluggish on the bike, so we restricted it to a 1.5hr flat roadie. By afternoon I was tucked into the sofa bed vaguely watching the women's Olympic road race.

And if getting sick wasn't enough, we're dealing with Beep in season this week. I feel sorry for her being stuck in the house for 2 weeks when the sunny days are gorgeous. But she's stuck with fully supervised outside time, with Buzz is being the ever-protective male, checking out any strange scents and noises.

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