Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bikes are Better Than Boys...and girls on bikes descend faster than boys too !!!

I recently purchased not one, but three pair of bright pink cycling socks with the slogan 'Bikes are Better Than Boys!'  What better way to enjoy getting dressed on a cold day than to look forward to putting on those socks.  And as I proved today, girls on bikes descend faster than boys too!

A brief break in the weather and study on Sunday prompted me to get out on the road bike, even for just an hour.  I was climbing slowly and a rider passed me early on.  Numerous riders were tentatively descending while I climbed, obviously scared with the wet road.  

While climbing I was assessing each corner as to how wet it was, and whether I could carry normal speed into the corners or slow down a little.  As I was nearing the top the guy who passed me on the climb was descending.  At the top I turned round and wondered whether I'd catch him or if he was long gone.  It's always good to chase someone down - a great feeling!

About 1/3 of the way down a car passed me but got stuck behind the rider in front on a windy section.  I sat behind the car and slip-streamed, enjoying the rest for my very unfit legs.  A couple of corners on a car behind me tooted its horn at me.  How rude!!  Even if I did pull to the left, where was he going to go???  So I stuck to my slip-stream line, didn't even look back at him, and kept on descending (even if it was slower than I'd hoped).  Eventually the roady guy in front pulled off to the road to let the cars go by!  What a stupid move, even if he was descending like a girl.  So I stuck to my slip-stream line and passed him, leaving him far behind me very quickly.  I was very happy to be wearing my pink jersey, just to make sure he could see it was a girl smoking him on the descent!!  The rest of the ride went to plan, cornering beautifully and only having the 'tooting' car pass just before the final corner - goose.  

I returned home with a big smile ready to continue studying.  And speaking of that, the dogs have been amazingly good over the weekend, even though I've had to spend so many hours in front of the computer.  Between walks and games with the ball, they have been content enough to snooze for the most part of the day, especially Saturday that was miserably rainy and cold.  All was great until 5 mins before I was going to pack up and Buzz decided it was time to get some attention.  The 3rd photo below was the result - I didn't mind him treading on my fire prediction map, but it was treading on the keyboard with 2 feet that had me concerned, followed quickly with UNDO UNDO UNDO.  But how can I go cranky on such a beautiful boy?  Thanks to the boy and girl for being such good babies.

Buzzy being sleeping in the warmest spot on a cold day

Yes there is a little girl in that blanket - can't you see her head?

'But mum....I've been sooo good all day...can't we play now?'

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