Wednesday, March 18, 2015

When you're in Ballarat for work.....

What else would you make time to do, but ride up Mt Buninyong.  Gorgeous sunset ride - only a short one after a days work and travel but just what I needed to entice me to get on the bike.  Legs pretty slow and sluggish after racing last weekend and not being on the bike since, but the warm evening fresh air and views made the most of a trip away with work.  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Australian National Mountain Bike Championships

My race nerves quickly dissipated  once we'd gotten halfway round the start loop - I was at the back of my age category by this stage after a good start off the gun (very unlike me).  So my race was MY race.  I enjoyed the toughness of the course - the climbs were short, hard climbs and the descents were mostly technical, tight switchbacks.  The fast, flower middle section was so sweet.  3 laps was plenty for me!  Yes, I could have done another one if pushed, and I would have likely caught a minute on 3rd place in front of me, but I was definitely happy when the climbing was completed on my 3rd lap and I knew it was all downhill and flat.  Only one 'off' when a Junior fell off on a drop-off switchback in front of me and I had to quickly make a decision to either ride over the top of her and her bike, or stop mid-switchback and fall off because of the steepness of the corner.  So I gracefully fell, managing to not land on the poor Junior who was still lying on the ground.

I've had a fantastic social few days in Bright with some good riding, good (slow) racing, and after racing I could relax stress-free for the remainder of my time in Bright.  And I was so proud watching my protege (even though she's not mine anymore) Emily Parkes win the Under 23 Australian National Championship title by 0.1 second!  Both Em and myself were teary as we hugged and celebrated her win.  Em has worked so hard over the last 4 years, and I get great pleasure in seeing her grow in the sport and herself.

Finished the race - thanks Hel for the photo

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Quick National Champs Update

I'm in Bright having a lovely relaxing race prep. The course is not what I expected but I'm getting used to it. Not too much climbing each lap, but the climbing there is is hard climbing. Nothing too daunting technically, but I did have to rethink my entry speed Into one of the drops. Looking forward to tomorrow's racing.

Monday, March 9, 2015


I know this doesn't look much in a photo, but 'Slatey' is a Castlemaine Piney's legendary section of trial.  Though I haven't ridden this trail many times, I have (until today) only ridden it twice.  Today is the third.  

I actually thought that we'd missed Slatey - that it was further up the trail and we hadn't come across it.  I was having an awesome technical day and didn't think anything of it as I rode into this, and looked for a line as I approached it (yes, there is a line there!).  It wasn't until my front wheel rode the first section of slate that I realised where I was, and that I was riding it!  I had a brief moment's thought of 'Don't fall off and hurt yourself 'cause you're racing next weekend' as one of my wheels slid a bit, but I didn't falter and made it though seamlessly.  

An awesome, awesome day at the Piney's with Roz - lots of hard descents, hard climbs, off-camber tree roots all typical of the Pineys.  So nice to ride some hard, physically demanding singletrack that keeps you moving on the bike with the need to read the trail and technical bits with speed as you approach them.  SO GOOD!

Roz struggling to climb up Slatey

Monday, March 2, 2015

I Love You My Buzzy Boy

It's taken me 2 months to be able to put this blog together - to put down in writing saying goodbye to my Buzzy Boy.  

He was big in every way - size, smile, teeth, heart, life. He made me laugh hard every day for 9 years, just being himself.  He didn't try to be funny - he just was.  Right up until the end, Buzzy lived to the fullest of life and didn't hold anything back - if he had energy and he was awake, he would play and have fun.  

The photos capture just a small party of who he was and how much he meant to myself and Beep.  Buzzy Boy you have left a huge hole in our hearts and our life - the house is so empty and quiet without you - I realise that although you were only one of my two babies, you were 3/4 of my two babies.  Beep has lost her best friend and big brother and is now a very different dog without you.  You will always have our love Buzz, and thank you for giving me so much in life.  

Two of a kind - so different in personality but so reliant on each other

Buzz's  tongue poking out while he slept always made me laugh

Buzz feeling vulnerable and in need of a hug

Christmas Day 2014

Buzz's funny, sleepy face - and Beep close as always

Even towards the end Buzzy's tail was still wagging whenever he was awake

Buzz in Coffs Harbour end of 2011 (6 yrs old and very handsome)

Buzz 12 months, Beep 6 months - Busted having a hug (really they were playing but it looks so cute)