Thursday, November 1, 2012

Base Miles - more than a training stage

I submitted my final assignment for the year at 1am the morning it was due.  Not quite the 2:15am of my good friend Shauna, who also had a house move and upheaval before the due date.  

That morning I woke to a beautiful sunny, warm morning.  Beep wasn't used to the new approach I had to life that morning - after breakfast she climbed back into bed for our usual lie-in, an attempt to put off the start of another day of pressure, demands and depression.  

A long walk with the dogs followed by a ride to work.  The ride was amazing - I felt free and as though I could do anything.  I felt confident and comfortable on the bike, and I belonged there.  I wish the ride had been longer than 35 mins, because I was making so many plans and had so many new insights.  

Planning the next 12 months was fun.  I've been set a rough plan for the next few months by coach Tory Thomas - base miles.  Without base miles I will never reach my racing potential.  I began to think....

Base miles: without base miles I will never reach my potential

What does this mean?  Well, of course I'm feeling lonely after 9 years of having a best friend with me all the time, who is no longer there.  But looking for someone to fill that loneliness is not healthy.  I need to build the basis for my life - without a good base I can never fulfil my potential.

So I'm on the program - I'm building me - and I'm going to reach my potential.  

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