Sunday, December 30, 2012

Relaxing and Riding

I had a great weekend.  Saturday was spent doing house chores, relaxing, and then meeting my friend Jen at the gym for a great workout.  

Sunday morning started with a nice relaxing lie in bed with the doggies - they snoozed and I read my book.  I finally got out for a mountain bike ride out to Sylvan Dam via Mount Dandenong.  A great long climb, an awesome long singletrack descent, then a long climb back up to the bakery.  I met some nice people at the bakery who made this lonely mtb chick feel welcome into their large group, and a man who is recovering from surgical removal of a brain tumour.  19 hours of surgery, 4 months of recovery and rehab, and he's smiling, happy, and surrounded by close family and friends sitting in the sunshine at Mt Dandy.  The local joke was that, although he no longer has his sense of smell due to the surgery, the chilli pie he was eating was hot enough for him to at least enjoy some of the taste!!!  His wife, however, with her full taste, considered the pie too hot for her liking.  

Almost forgot another great bit....Jen and I went for a fantastic bike track ride on Sunday arvo.  Lots of laughs, and we also arranged a night out tomorrow night for Jen's 33rd birthday.  Hopefully some more laughs to be had.

View from Mt Dandy Bakery to Olinda

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012....home is where the dog is

I was certainly not alone this Christmas.  My very dear friend, Erica, invited me to spend Christmas with her and her family in Indigo Valley, North East Victoria.  And of course, the dogs were more than welcome!!!  My two darlings plus 11 other staffords!!!!

Christmas morning was planned for an early dog walk, followed by an early ride before the pressie opening.  However we slept, then Buzz found the only puddle in Watchbox Lane, and proceeded to lie in it, roll in it, play in it, dig in it, and have a drink while lying in it!!!!  Then stood up and brushed himself along the length of Beep, so they were both covered in grey clay mud!!!  But Buzz had a great time, and Beep had as much fun chasing rabbits up the roadside.

A quick bath for B & B, then it was pressie time.

Buzz and Beep then got their pressies.  Buzzy opened his and Beep's, as usual.  They then sat perfectly still for their Christmas photo.

I finally got in my ride in the afternoon - the roads were quiet and so nice to ride - gradual climbs, nice descents.  It was so good to be out on the bike in the north-east again...such a nice place to ride.  No photos - I was too busy riding.

Many thanks to Erica, Celia, Anneke, Meika and Ivy for making me feel welcome into their family Christmas.  And to all the staffords for their love, kisses and laughs.  And of course, Happy Christmas to my babies, Buzz and Beep - love you both so much.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

RFS Mid North Coast Christmas Party !!!!!

WHAT A NIGHT !!!!!!  The laughs didn't stop for 5 hours - it was just like old times, but missing a couple of people.  I knew I missed my old friends and family from MNC Fire Control Centre, but Saturday 8th December made me remember what life at work was really like.  I now understand why Paul (Manager) would call out from his office "Okay you lot, stop the laughs and get some work done!!!".

Between Jo-anne throwing bungars from the deck to the unsuspecting pool plays below, Paul bringing out the AED/IUD for Mick, Jamie playing pool with the garden blower, the sloping pool table which meant the balls would roll to the centre pockets, and my hair, it was a most treasured night to remember.

No-one could understand the family that I have in Coffs FCC, but it's so good to know that nothing changes over time.  Friend forever, that's for sure.
Jamie waiting for the next bungar

Jamie realised the pool cue chalk matched my hair...and then my face

Maree and Lukey - Maree my comrade and friend

My bestie, Mick (so much history here)

Paul and his IUD ready to revive Mick

Jamie playing pool

Juzzy, Mick and Jo-anne sharing the love
My hair was the same colour as the pool table felt

Monday, December 10, 2012

Coffs Harbour Teams Race

My flying visit to Coffs Harbour was shared amongst good friends and lots of laughs.  And thanks to Team Parkes, Tim's old 'goose.  The Coffs club held a 6 lap Teams race - fastest riders matched with slowest.  A lot of new singletrack has been added to Pine Creek since I last rode there over 12 months ago - so lots of flowing trails and the odd tree that would jump out at you.

Thanks to my team mate Phil, we placed 4th.  I had a great day with lots of fun and a good, humid ride.  Unfortunately my hair was sweating pink.  Still.  

Thanks to Team Parkes for after-race lunch, photos, and even more laughs.

After 1st lap - before I passed out

Hanging with Tim between laps

End of last lap - notice the BIG smile!!!

Post-race chatting with the Coffs regulars