Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dave's Bogan Biking Sheila

A ride with Dave on Sunday arvo was just what I needed, and as always with Dave, laughs that I needed came with some great mountain biking.  Dave gave me the confidence boost I needed in myself, which then turned a simple compliment into me being a bogan biking sheila....a nickname I now smile at, whilst writing this blog.  Thanks Kylie, for sharing your wonderful husband with me on some great rides.  And as always, (mud-splattered) smiles at the end of the ride.  And I'm sick of cleaning my bike after every ride!  Bring on next weekend - or maybe a mid-week night ride with Kira to keep me sane during the week's commuter riding (boring, but a good time to chill and listen to some awesome tunes).  

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