Saturday, November 16, 2013

It's been a long time

No, I'm not bursting into Led Zeppelin's song here - just simply stating a fact.  3 months actually.  But oh so much has happened in that time.  I now live in Bendigo (again).  I now love my home (and yes it is a home, not a house).  The dogs love their new home too, and have settled in remarkably well - but let's face it, they're well adjusted to moving house since this is house number 6 for their short lives of 7 and 8.  The location of my home is perfect for work and play (both dogs and bikes).  

I did my first race a week after moving to Bendigo.  My race preparation included 3 rides with Roz in the week preceding the race.  I placed 1st Solo Female in the Bendigo 6 Hour.  I rode for 4hr 45 min - my longest ride in over a year.  I have not raced since.

Work has taken hold, then a slight mishap with my uni subject meant that the last 5 weeks have been spent completing 2 subjects.  Not much riding in the last 5 weeks.  But now I only have to finish off a 20 min powerpoint presentation, present it on Monday, and I'm done.  I'M DONE !!!  I will then be 

Justine Leahy BAppSc, Dip Mgmt, PGDip.  3's that for a 'Penriff girl' who dropped out after Year 10?!!!!

I was to race this weekend at the Wombat 6+6 Hour - 6 hours Saturday; 6 hours Sunday.  Well a huge work and study week meant that I finally had time to think about the race at 6pm on Friday night.  Wash bike.  Prepare race nutrition.  Pack clothes.  I slept through the first alarm on Saturday morning.  I woke with the second alarm but dozed back off to sleep for 20 mins.  If I had've climbed out of bed at that point and head straight to Woodend I would still make it in time for registration.  At this point I decided I was obviously exhausted, I was only going to be 'riding' not 'racing' due to my lack of training, and I really needed to just stop.  I haven't stopped for 5 weeks.  

So I stayed in bed with my babies; walked them for 45 mins; sat out the back in the sun and read a fantastic book I'm really enjoying while the dogs happily chewed their bones.  I lay down on the back step and closed my eyes, and realised that I was at peace.  For the first time in my life I WAS AT PEACE.  For someone who is restless, ambitious, determined, driven to achieve, this was a new and welcome feeling that was coming from within me.  

The time ticked on and I wanted to get a big ride in today even though I wasn't racing.  Bendigo - Kamarooka - Raywood - Bendigo seemed like a great idea.  A 90km mostly flat ride for my weary and unfit legs.  By the time I'd gotten to Raywood I was feeling okay but realised I must have had a fair tailwind, as my average speed was 30 km/h.  Sure enough, I then had 30 km straight into a head wind to get home.  It shattered me.  I dropped down to average 26.4 km over this distance.  Just under 3.5 hrs and this is the longest road ride I have done in 3 years.  An hour long bath helped my aching legs to recover, but I was glad that I had done the ride.  It used to be one of my favourites long ago because of the gentle undulations and quiet roads - nothing has changed.

I'm now going to sleep for a long time.

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