Monday, November 25, 2013

Leahy Track, Sedgwick State Forest

Guess what I found?!!  Yep, the guys from the DSE Bendigo Depot came through with the goods.  

This trail was the final section of trail that I rode through in Sedgwick State Forest that led to my house in Sedgwick.  I used to ride this trail from the end of my street through the unused road reserve, jump the fence and onto singletrack, that widened to this trail that was unnamed at the time.  The Bendigo guys graded the trail to open it up for fire use and when they heard that I rode it often (especially to work and back) they said they would name it after me.  When I moved back to Bendigo a couple of months ago Darryl mentioned there was a track named after me, so I've been hanging out to see it.  

Thanks Tranter, Scotty and Doosh for making me feel special by etching my name in Sedgwick State Forest for all time.

And of course I had lots of fun and a small 'off' heading out there on the One Tree Hill trails.  A great 2hr mtb on a most gorgeous day.

'Leahy Track' named after me by the guys from DSE Bendigo Depot

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A return to Mt Sugarloaf

It's been no less than 7 years since I last rode from Bendigo out to Mt Sugarloaf and back, and it hasn't changed much in that time.  Except for the last pinch, rocky climb to the top and the descent back down.  Roz and I headed out in the showery weather and followed a brilliant dark blue cloud for 1.5hrs, then ended up in the cloud for 30 mins with some rain.  But what a brilliant 60km 3.5hr mtb ride.  Chatting all the way of course!  And it's so good to be free of study FOREVER....never again.  But that's what I said when I finished my undergrad.  But for now it's back to bikes and dogs - the way life outside of work was meant to be.  

I'm planning on a bigger couple of weeks on the bike in preparation for the Duael with Roz.  Better late than never.  And in the words of Bon Scott, 'Ride On' (by the way, one of my favourite AC/DC can take the girl out of Penriff - the 'riff - but you can't take the Penriff out of the girl !!).  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

It's been a long time

No, I'm not bursting into Led Zeppelin's song here - just simply stating a fact.  3 months actually.  But oh so much has happened in that time.  I now live in Bendigo (again).  I now love my home (and yes it is a home, not a house).  The dogs love their new home too, and have settled in remarkably well - but let's face it, they're well adjusted to moving house since this is house number 6 for their short lives of 7 and 8.  The location of my home is perfect for work and play (both dogs and bikes).  

I did my first race a week after moving to Bendigo.  My race preparation included 3 rides with Roz in the week preceding the race.  I placed 1st Solo Female in the Bendigo 6 Hour.  I rode for 4hr 45 min - my longest ride in over a year.  I have not raced since.

Work has taken hold, then a slight mishap with my uni subject meant that the last 5 weeks have been spent completing 2 subjects.  Not much riding in the last 5 weeks.  But now I only have to finish off a 20 min powerpoint presentation, present it on Monday, and I'm done.  I'M DONE !!!  I will then be 

Justine Leahy BAppSc, Dip Mgmt, PGDip.  3's that for a 'Penriff girl' who dropped out after Year 10?!!!!

I was to race this weekend at the Wombat 6+6 Hour - 6 hours Saturday; 6 hours Sunday.  Well a huge work and study week meant that I finally had time to think about the race at 6pm on Friday night.  Wash bike.  Prepare race nutrition.  Pack clothes.  I slept through the first alarm on Saturday morning.  I woke with the second alarm but dozed back off to sleep for 20 mins.  If I had've climbed out of bed at that point and head straight to Woodend I would still make it in time for registration.  At this point I decided I was obviously exhausted, I was only going to be 'riding' not 'racing' due to my lack of training, and I really needed to just stop.  I haven't stopped for 5 weeks.  

So I stayed in bed with my babies; walked them for 45 mins; sat out the back in the sun and read a fantastic book I'm really enjoying while the dogs happily chewed their bones.  I lay down on the back step and closed my eyes, and realised that I was at peace.  For the first time in my life I WAS AT PEACE.  For someone who is restless, ambitious, determined, driven to achieve, this was a new and welcome feeling that was coming from within me.  

The time ticked on and I wanted to get a big ride in today even though I wasn't racing.  Bendigo - Kamarooka - Raywood - Bendigo seemed like a great idea.  A 90km mostly flat ride for my weary and unfit legs.  By the time I'd gotten to Raywood I was feeling okay but realised I must have had a fair tailwind, as my average speed was 30 km/h.  Sure enough, I then had 30 km straight into a head wind to get home.  It shattered me.  I dropped down to average 26.4 km over this distance.  Just under 3.5 hrs and this is the longest road ride I have done in 3 years.  An hour long bath helped my aching legs to recover, but I was glad that I had done the ride.  It used to be one of my favourites long ago because of the gentle undulations and quiet roads - nothing has changed.

I'm now going to sleep for a long time.