Sunday, December 30, 2012

Relaxing and Riding

I had a great weekend.  Saturday was spent doing house chores, relaxing, and then meeting my friend Jen at the gym for a great workout.  

Sunday morning started with a nice relaxing lie in bed with the doggies - they snoozed and I read my book.  I finally got out for a mountain bike ride out to Sylvan Dam via Mount Dandenong.  A great long climb, an awesome long singletrack descent, then a long climb back up to the bakery.  I met some nice people at the bakery who made this lonely mtb chick feel welcome into their large group, and a man who is recovering from surgical removal of a brain tumour.  19 hours of surgery, 4 months of recovery and rehab, and he's smiling, happy, and surrounded by close family and friends sitting in the sunshine at Mt Dandy.  The local joke was that, although he no longer has his sense of smell due to the surgery, the chilli pie he was eating was hot enough for him to at least enjoy some of the taste!!!  His wife, however, with her full taste, considered the pie too hot for her liking.  

Almost forgot another great bit....Jen and I went for a fantastic bike track ride on Sunday arvo.  Lots of laughs, and we also arranged a night out tomorrow night for Jen's 33rd birthday.  Hopefully some more laughs to be had.

View from Mt Dandy Bakery to Olinda

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012....home is where the dog is

I was certainly not alone this Christmas.  My very dear friend, Erica, invited me to spend Christmas with her and her family in Indigo Valley, North East Victoria.  And of course, the dogs were more than welcome!!!  My two darlings plus 11 other staffords!!!!

Christmas morning was planned for an early dog walk, followed by an early ride before the pressie opening.  However we slept, then Buzz found the only puddle in Watchbox Lane, and proceeded to lie in it, roll in it, play in it, dig in it, and have a drink while lying in it!!!!  Then stood up and brushed himself along the length of Beep, so they were both covered in grey clay mud!!!  But Buzz had a great time, and Beep had as much fun chasing rabbits up the roadside.

A quick bath for B & B, then it was pressie time.

Buzz and Beep then got their pressies.  Buzzy opened his and Beep's, as usual.  They then sat perfectly still for their Christmas photo.

I finally got in my ride in the afternoon - the roads were quiet and so nice to ride - gradual climbs, nice descents.  It was so good to be out on the bike in the north-east again...such a nice place to ride.  No photos - I was too busy riding.

Many thanks to Erica, Celia, Anneke, Meika and Ivy for making me feel welcome into their family Christmas.  And to all the staffords for their love, kisses and laughs.  And of course, Happy Christmas to my babies, Buzz and Beep - love you both so much.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

RFS Mid North Coast Christmas Party !!!!!

WHAT A NIGHT !!!!!!  The laughs didn't stop for 5 hours - it was just like old times, but missing a couple of people.  I knew I missed my old friends and family from MNC Fire Control Centre, but Saturday 8th December made me remember what life at work was really like.  I now understand why Paul (Manager) would call out from his office "Okay you lot, stop the laughs and get some work done!!!".

Between Jo-anne throwing bungars from the deck to the unsuspecting pool plays below, Paul bringing out the AED/IUD for Mick, Jamie playing pool with the garden blower, the sloping pool table which meant the balls would roll to the centre pockets, and my hair, it was a most treasured night to remember.

No-one could understand the family that I have in Coffs FCC, but it's so good to know that nothing changes over time.  Friend forever, that's for sure.
Jamie waiting for the next bungar

Jamie realised the pool cue chalk matched my hair...and then my face

Maree and Lukey - Maree my comrade and friend

My bestie, Mick (so much history here)

Paul and his IUD ready to revive Mick

Jamie playing pool

Juzzy, Mick and Jo-anne sharing the love
My hair was the same colour as the pool table felt

Monday, December 10, 2012

Coffs Harbour Teams Race

My flying visit to Coffs Harbour was shared amongst good friends and lots of laughs.  And thanks to Team Parkes, Tim's old 'goose.  The Coffs club held a 6 lap Teams race - fastest riders matched with slowest.  A lot of new singletrack has been added to Pine Creek since I last rode there over 12 months ago - so lots of flowing trails and the odd tree that would jump out at you.

Thanks to my team mate Phil, we placed 4th.  I had a great day with lots of fun and a good, humid ride.  Unfortunately my hair was sweating pink.  Still.  

Thanks to Team Parkes for after-race lunch, photos, and even more laughs.

After 1st lap - before I passed out

Hanging with Tim between laps

End of last lap - notice the BIG smile!!!

Post-race chatting with the Coffs regulars

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lots of Laughs at the Youwies

Jane Ollerenshaw and Amanda Herd were exactly what I needed today to kick off my weekend.  We had a general whinge about life's 'stuff', then rolled on the mountain bikes for a couple of hours with lots of chatting and laughter.  The sun was shining and it was warm/hot (depending on whether you were Justine or Jane).  

This photo was on the flat section over the back - one of the many times we pondered where we were and what trails to ride.

Amanda shared advice and stories of life as Amanda, which had us laughing so hard I stopped concentrating and fell off my bike flat on my back !!!  Such a fun day.  Thanks to my girl friends. xoxo

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A New Ride - my new Cannondale Scalpel

I am indebted to Panther Cycles and Cannondale for their generosity and support in kitting me out with my bike collection in preparation for the 2013 WEMBO World 24 Hour Solo Mountain Bike Championships.  My new 2012 Cannondale Scalpel brings a very nice 80mm lightweight, dual suspension ride for my upcoming XC races and second bike for endurance races.  It fits together perfectly with my XX equipped 100mm Scalpel, giving me the XC/endurance race bikes that I need and want.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mount Buller Ride

Our last ride together was Mansfield - Mt Buller - Mansfield.  A slow but achievable 92km 4 hour 1800m elevation gain ride.  Gav was really tired all the way until the last 3km climbing section to Mt Buller Village.  I felt good - not fresh but still able to tap away at the climbs.

It was cold at the top so we didn't stay long, and then I smoked Gav on the descent.  We met up at Mirimbah and peddled back to Mansfield.  The Red Bull and hamburger Gav consumed at Mt Buller must have helped, cause he was able to do turns on the way back, which meant that I returned from my (almost) 100km ride still feeling good - pleasantly trained would be wording, I think.

Gav and myself at the end of our Mt Buller climb and descent
I've had a great few days away, now have a cycling tan to be proud of, am now going to watch the New Moon set tonight from the top of Mt Buller (this is probably a bit romantic blah blah to be doing with my brother, but hey...beggers can't be choosers).  The New Moon has a spiritual meaning of new beginnings, setting goals and wishes, and opening yourself to magical change.  So, here's to a new outlook and a happy future.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Week On Holidays

My brother Gav has come to visit for my week on holidays and my week of riding.  We started with a casual Beach Road 2.5 hour ride on Saturday, with good friend Dave.  

On Sunday we started our 5 days of riding in Mansfield.  The dogs were (sadly) dropped at dog kennels on the way.  Mansfield Holiday Park didn't disappoint with the accommodation and beautiful setting, and the weather was perfect.
The outlook from our cabin - Gav getting ready for Jamieson ride

Jamieson general store
Our first ride was to Jamieson - 70km 2.5 hours and 850m elevation on undulating, quiet roads.  We were kept entertained on our return journey with cars that had participated in the Targa Mt Buller Hill Climb weekend.  The late afternoon was spent sitting on the deck with a good book, then a couple of episodes of 'Allo 'Allo.
On the way to Whitfield - Gav with a Movember moustache and me with a mouthful of food
Second ride, after nearly 12 hours sleep for me, was to Whitfield and back - 128km just over 5 hours and 1800m elevation.  The sun shone beautifully but the wind was not kind - head wind and cross wind for a good part of the ride.  My legs held up really well, considering I haven't ridden that far for 2 years.  I was slow but Gav was patient.  The locals in Whitfield were a great laugh and very friendly - a highlight of the ride.  As much as I enjoyed the ride, I was looking forward to getting back to the cabin, and giving my bottom a break from the saddle.

Tomorrow a shorter 2 - 3 hours for me, and Gav is planning to do a couple more hours than me.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Base Miles - more than a training stage

I submitted my final assignment for the year at 1am the morning it was due.  Not quite the 2:15am of my good friend Shauna, who also had a house move and upheaval before the due date.  

That morning I woke to a beautiful sunny, warm morning.  Beep wasn't used to the new approach I had to life that morning - after breakfast she climbed back into bed for our usual lie-in, an attempt to put off the start of another day of pressure, demands and depression.  

A long walk with the dogs followed by a ride to work.  The ride was amazing - I felt free and as though I could do anything.  I felt confident and comfortable on the bike, and I belonged there.  I wish the ride had been longer than 35 mins, because I was making so many plans and had so many new insights.  

Planning the next 12 months was fun.  I've been set a rough plan for the next few months by coach Tory Thomas - base miles.  Without base miles I will never reach my racing potential.  I began to think....

Base miles: without base miles I will never reach my potential

What does this mean?  Well, of course I'm feeling lonely after 9 years of having a best friend with me all the time, who is no longer there.  But looking for someone to fill that loneliness is not healthy.  I need to build the basis for my life - without a good base I can never fulfil my potential.

So I'm on the program - I'm building me - and I'm going to reach my potential.  

Chicks MTB Weekend - Daylesford

My thanks go to the girls of Daylesford, Jane Ollerenshaw (Liv/Giant) and St Mel for putting on a great girls mountain bike ride.  23 girls on a social ride - it was awesome.  The riding was fun and the laughs were plenty.

The real fun came when 6 of us got to our rental house for the weekend.  Jane Ollerenshaw, Amanda Herd, Kira Douglas, Nicole Jeffries and Jo Riley - what a fantastic group of women.  The laughs were endless and much needed - thank you girls.  Organising meals really was a laugh - emails were flying back and forth for do you cater for gluten free, vegetarian, grain free.  

Friday, October 12, 2012

You Yangs Yowie (66km) 'ride race'

I was recently prompted to update my blog on my recent racing 'to celebrate my achievements' - this being something that I have never done.  A new me and a new approach to me.  

The race started casually for me - meeting Dave from Castlemaine on the start line was a great introduction to the 66km race.  We rode together for the first 15 minutes or so, catching up on the latest.  The remainder of the race was spent by myself either passing, or being passed by, other riders.  They were all pleasant and enjoying their ride, other than one goose that could have taken me out big time on the boardwalk wall ride....if you can't ride the wall, before you place your bike in the middle of the boardwalk check whether someone is already riding on the 45 degree wall !!!!  My bike may be fantastic, but it doesn't defy gravity for long.

The last 30 minutes of flat trails was some back and forth with Lee Schultz - I had the corners nailed, but Lee had the legs.  In the end I was about 45 seconds behind her, finishing in 6th place with 3 hours 45 minutes of ride racing under my belt.  

So what did I learn?  That I had about 2 hours in my legs.  

What achievements can I celebrate?  That I got out of bed, I got to the race, and I finished.

The 60km Double Cross this weekend - another opportunity to catch up with old friends and enjoy some good riding.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend Wind-up

Saturday started with a long dog walk with beanie and a hoodie to keep warm.  An easy hour on the roady trying to figure out how to get to work from my new location.  I got lost, and still haven't figured it out, so I'll just have to wing it tomorrow on my commute to work and hopefully I won't be too late if I get lost.  I guess it would be a different excuse for being late than my usual 'I had a head wind'.

I then had inspiration from the beautiful and completely mad Hel Parkes - turn a negative into a positive, so I placed a lovely spring flower through the bullet hole in my front pretty !!!

 A MTB ride at Christmas Hills with Dave and Neil on Sunday was just awesome.  Flowing trails that still make you think about what you're doing, and work hard.  Some great laughs, usually at Dave's expense, and it was a great day out.  Thanks for a great ride, guys.  Will certainly head back there again.

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Chick's Weekend...what to do?....

My list of choices:
  • A long doggie walk on Saturday and Sunday
  • A long ride on Saturday and Sunday
  • A movie or dinner with friends
  • A good book from one of my favourite authors
  • A sleep-in
  • Prepare my awesome Scalpel for next weekend's You Yangs Yowie
  • Relax with the dogs
  • Start my final assignment for the year
  • Contemplate if another bullet is going to come through my front window again
Well, all of these might happen, I reckon.  Starting with a long dog walk early Saturday morning; a mountain bike ride at the You Yangs; dinner or movie with Dave and Kylie.  Sunday will be a long-awaited sleep-in, long walk with the dogs, a ride, a read, a relax, and probably not even looking at my assignment.  Report will be at the end of the weekend, hopefully with some photos.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Buxton Liv/Giant Chicks MTB Ride

A ride at Buxton MTB Park on Sunday 16th September was something to look forward to and a welcome distraction from my own thoughts.  After arriving at Buxton 30 minutes early, I was thinking that this new me is an improvement....I'm NEVER early.  

There were 12 all up, and we split into 2 groups.  Pictured above is the group of 8 - all evenly balanced in skill and fitness, the ride was pretty much flowing for 1.5hrs.  Lots of laughs, some new challenges ridden by a few, and many great cheers of encouragement made for a day of feel-good friendship.

Thanks girls, and I look forward to the next one.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Study, Work, Dogs, Ride

I've written this year off for too many reasons, but mostly due to study.  I've completed my final subject for the year, giving me the Post Graduate Certificate in Bushfire Management - half way to my goal of Post Grad Diploma in Bushfire Management.  Will I go on to finish my Masters of Forest Ecosystem Science?...that depends on whether I want to lose another 2 years of my life, so that will be considered in November 2013. I've met some great friends during this year's study - some good laughs, much 'Excel' formula frustrations, and great support.  Thank you to all my uni friends, and I (kind of) look forward to next year's study.

So where to from here?  I've started back training 5 weeks ago, though life has thrown its hurdles not just in front of me, but directly at me.  I've come out the other side knowing that I have great, supportive and caring friends, and I would like to thank them all.  Special thanks to Mickarse, Poopsie and Jim Bob for your genuine care, and always being able to make me laugh; Hel for her great empathy and care; Em for being a quiet source of motivation; Owen and Dave, my caring and ever laughable co-workers in the (CFA) Vegie Patch; Megs for her always honest, caring and supportive friendship; Travis for his voice of reason and good friendship; and of course Buzz and Beep for their undying love and ability to make me laugh.

I may be a month behind in my training, but I'm on track for my first race back - the You Yangs Yowie in October 2012.  The first of many in my journey to the 2013 Solo 24 Hour World Championships in October 2013.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Postponement to Endurance Racing

I was preparing for and entered to the Blores Hill 6 Hour for 22 July 2012.  I was looking forward to it, even though it was only going to be riding, not racing.  Another full week at work preceded the race weekend, but that was okay - I'd set aside some ride time while I was away in Bendigo.

A good 1.5hr roady with good mate and all round great guy, Travis, and his mate.  The quiet and undulating back roads of Bendigo were so nice.  That night I was a very unwell chooky - a late night trip to the chemist, a passing out scenario, and a fever.  So 3 days off work, and not a single kilometre ticked over in the legs - very disappointing.  

I still had hope that I'd get to race.  I took the new Scalpel out for its maiden voyage, wanting to check that it was all set up perfectly before racing on Sunday.  Why the 3 of us chose Warramate is beyond me - maybe I was still feverish and off with the fairies - but 1.5hrs of riding with an unusually high heart rate delivered the racing for me this weekend.  But the trails were awesome, my head space was surprisingly good considering I have no fitness, am sick, and it was slippery as all buggery.

Warramate delivered all that it can, at its worst - off-camber single track, tree roots, tough pinch climbs, all on wet, slimy, super slippery trails.  But I must have been doing something right, because I thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted more.

Let's put this week down as a lost week, but not entirely - got some of my assignment out of the way, got in a couple of great, fun rides, a good catch up with an old friend, and topped off with a good movie and dinner with friends (loved The Dark Knight !!!).  Let's plan for the next one - Lysterfield on 29th July, XC at You Yangs 12th August or Castlemaine on 19th August.  So much to choose from, so much to do.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Let's hope the weekend gets better

Not such a good day today.  Work is demanding and I'm putting pressure on myself, I've got 2 assignments due next week, and it's raining.  Evan wore most of my stress.  A visit to the chiropractor was the first positive step.  An afternoon of the house to myself to work on my assignment helped.  

I'm racing tomorrow at Lysterfield Chase The Sun 5 Hour.  The Rush is looking and running well, and I just want to ride my bike.  I logged onto the web site tonight to check out what time I had to be there to register tomorrow - guess what I found?  That you can only register prior to race day !!  Can you believe it?  What a crock !!  Well, I'm turning up on race day to register - if they won't give me my race number, I'll just ride anyway...Snozza can go blow it out his arse if he thinks that's a reasonable expectation.  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another race, another ride, all good fun

The Forrest 6 Hour was ridden in a mixed pairs - team Recreation Not Procreation hit the trails again, but in a pretty casual way.  I'd been at uni all week and overall very unfit - Evan had the 'flu all week.  It rained for the first hour - Evan best not riding in the rain - me a case of the can't be stuffed.  Evan eventually headed out for 3 laps.  I did 3 laps.  But the ride was only part of the really awesome day.

The dogs were at the race and had a great time.  Buzzy socialised and was open to pats and attention.  Beep said hello to a select few and wanted to rip the face of two other dogs.  But overall they were so well behaved.  The photo (still to come) is pretty much a reflection of the day...the spare chair was where I was sitting, Beep in the other chair, Buzz and Evan in the crate.  It was so nice to be able to show off my well-behaved babies.

Tory Thomas and Tim Retchford (with occasional visits from Hamish) shared our tent, not that Tory was in the tent for long having done the event as a solo.  But the laughs were good and it was great to see mum Tory working it like she always does.  My inspiration.

Back to Creswick for another week of uni, and I found a few mtb friends in my Bushfire Planning & Management subject.  A 1.5hr ride after lectures was a great way blow off the days learnings before heading back for more homework at night.  Thanks to my new friends.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm Back...

Well, I'm back on.  Back on my blog, back on the bike, back in Victoria, and back studying.
First race was the Wombat 100.  Well, the Wombat 50.  Which turned into the Wombat 20.  A big step back into racing, I decided to ride 'cattle class' and took on the Wombat 50.  15km into the event I had a mechanical that meant I limped my way 5km to the next marshall station, where I got a lift back to the event centre.  But until then, I was having a great time, if not a little frustrated with the inabilities of others on the technical stuff.  But I rode with a few really great guys (including my Giant friend) and enjoyed the experience.
And as if getting back into racing isn't taking up enough of my time, I decided this year to start post grad studies - Post Grad Diploma in Bushfire Management - 2 years part time.  I'm enjoying the mental challenge of studying again, but still working out the finer details of balancing working full time, studying part time, and trying to train enough so that races are enjoyable.  
On Saturday I'm riding in the Forrest 6 Hour in a Mixed Pairs.  It will be casual, it will be cold, but it will be fun.  
Keep you posted.